Friday, December 5, 2008

It is Cold!!

We have finally had some cold weather down here!  Last night on the news they even said to expect a cold winter and with the moisture in the air...we have a small chance of snow at some point this winter!  It doesn't snow here much.  The people that I work with said it snows here like once every 8 years.  That sounds similar to how often it floods too!   Since we didn't have a very wet summer, we are expecting a wet one next year! 

Kris's winter season has begun.  The first 2 nights were busy!  I am sure he is hoping that was the rush of a new event.  Everyone here is talking about Schlitterbahn's Christmas event.  Kris said the ice skating rink is booked for the night in the first hour!  I think it sounds like fun!  I am glad Kris likes the cold weather, since he is out in it now!  

We had our first Thanksgiving in our house.  It was nice.  I cooked a small meal and then we watched football for the rest of the day!   Now we have moved on to the Christmas season.  I love it.  Our trees are decorated in of course red and black!  Kris put up the lights on the house!  This is our first time to have lights on a house!  I am shocked that people down here only put up icicle lights.  We put up icicle and lights on our roof.  We still want to do more decorating, but that will come with time.  We are enjoying our time right now, and look forward to seeing everyone for Christmas!!

1 comment:

wellsdad said...

Wow! Sounds like you have really done a lot for your first Christmas in your new home. I can't wait to see it all. We are excited about seeing you both at Christmas. I bet Schlitterbahn is awesome. I just hope Kris isn't out in too much cold weather. That really gets old fast. Take care and enjoy the season!