Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here Comes Fall!!

We are excited about the fall season. Kris is slowing down, to an extent. Now that his off season is quickly approaching, majority of his weekends are booked for the month of October! We are looking forward to spending a few more hours together. Although, with my new position, I have been putting in long days at work. Hopefully that will balance out as we enter October.

In mid October, Kris and I are going to Orlando! We will actually be leaving on our 5 year anniversary! We will have been dating for 10 years! I can't believe how fast time has gone by! After that, Kris gets to go to Newport Beach for work! I know he will have a blast!

Things here have been good. We finally received more rain with this last hurricane! I think it rained for 2 days straight, but no flooding this time!!! Kris was already prepared for the worst! Luckily, we didn't get 10-12 inches of rain like they said we might! Our dogs are doing great and so is Kujo. Life has just been pretty busy in the Armes House! Ready for the upcoming slow down!!