Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Weekend Off!

Well, summer season has ended for Kris, and we hit the road! We went to the lake for the weekend and met my parents there. We finally got to ride our Sea-Doo. We had a really nice time and weren't ready to come back to work! Here are some pictures that we took. I will post some of us skiing in a few days.

These four pictures are of Hell's Gate.

These pictures are of the sunset one night.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Ok, so yesterday I didn't think that we would receive any rain from Ike. Well, during the third quarter of the Tech game I looked up and it was a down pour! It has rained and drizzled off and on ever since. The news said it was "moisture" from Ike that joined with the cold front that is passing through! (Unfortunately it will only bring our temperatures down to the upper 80's. That does beat the upper 90's and 100's that we have still been experiencing!) I don't think we got a lot of rain, but every little bit counts!!

On to a different story. Friday, the director of security invited Kris and me over for supper. He cooked a wonderful meal that I ate, then asked what it was. It was deer! It was very good! I was impressed at how easy it was to cook also! Now if I could only just get deer meat placed in my refrigerator, because I won't shoot it!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lucked Out!

Well, I am sure yall are concerned about Hurricane Ike coming up the Gulf. We were too earlier last week because all of the local news predicting it to head towards Corpus Christi, and then once it reached New Braunfels, turn north. All week our news channels were predicting a lot of rain for us. At one time they said possibly 20 inches! Then, as you know, Ike changed directions! We have only received wind gusts, close to 30 mph! We have not received any rain, and now that we are on the west side of the hurricane, probably will not get any. We have received a lot of evacuees. My work opened its doors to a few people from nursing homes in the path of danger. I met a lady yesterday that lives in Galveston and she was very worried about her house, but she and her family got out! I am sure her house is not good right now. Schlitterbahn has a park at Galveston, which they expect to have a lot of damage. I just wanted to update everyone and let yall know we are not in any danger, nor are we getting any weather changes like expected. I heard Lubbock has received a lot of rain! Send some our way please!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Two more weeks!

Well, the season is finally wrapping up for Kris. After today, he will have two more weekends and he will have a break for a few weeks. I know he is ready for a break. I must say, it sounds like the season went smoothly, for his first season. Starting the weekend after Thanksgiving, they will open up again for the Christmas holidays. No, there won't be water rides, as many people have asked me. But they will have an ice skating rink, sledding and a bunch of other "winter" events. We have been told that it really doesn't snow down here much, which will be an adjustment for us! Luckily we can enjoy fake snow for a while! It sounds like a lot of fun....yall should come down and see!!!